


  1. After scheduling, students must be punctual in attendance of their respective classes. 
  2. In case a student has difficulty in adjusting to our given schedule, they may contact us for assistance in filling their online schedule. 
  3. Videos and photos will be taken by the staff during the classes for the purpose of advertisement and Social Media publication.
  4. We publish our activities daily on our social media.
  5. After the registration, the student will be added to the Art Academy’s group on Whatsapp for updates regarding information on art, events, advertisement, etc. Students are free to engage in the group (art related only). After 12am, no one is allowed to message in the group. No negative comments will be allowed in the group. If you have any problems or concerns, please contact us DIRECTLY. 
  6. Students are not allowed to keep their belongings and materials in the center. (ART ACADEMY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OF MATERIALS).
  7. When borrowing items from the Academy, they must be returned during the day, (if any ART ACADEMY property is damaged, students will have to pay for the items)


  1. Payment must be made in full amount.
  2. After payment has been made and before attending the first class, if she/he wishes to cancel, they may be provided a refund. But once the first class has been attended and they wish to cancel, no refund will be provided.
  3.  Materials will be provided to students (price of the materials will depend on the selected course). If they are unable to buy the materials, we will provide them with materials for the duration of their class.
  4. Students can pay in cash or by bank transfer or by ATM. In this case,a screenshot of the transfer is required to be sent to the Academy number. For the receipt, you will get it by email or sms.


  1. Once the beginner course has been completed, the students can join the membership program with Art Academy Silver Card, for which payment will be (582 QR – 160 $) per annum. Members will be provided with an Electronic membership card, after filling membership Registration Form and paying online via the Art Academy website. (For more details, please see Membership Section on our website).
  2. In our Gallery Section (located online on our website), Gold Members can participate if they are interested. (For more information, please see Membership Section).
  3. For further complaints and inquiries, please feel free to contact us directly on our company number for complete assistance.